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By Gillian Jalimnson – July 23, 2019

Close to 1,300 pain sufferers from across the country took part in the survey run by Chronic Pain Australia – and it seems medical cannabis has been on the minds of many as an option for managing/treating their pain. 35.75% indicated they had spoken to their GP about accessing it.

As for its own position on cannabis, Chronic Pain Australia states:

“Chronic Pain Australia recognises that access to effective pain management is a human right, and that barriers to access should be removed where it is practical and safe to do so. Access to Medicinal Cannabis where it is a legal treatment option should be subject to the same regulatory and evidentiary standards as all other medications used in the treatment of pain.”

Chronic Pain Australia is dedicated to reducing social and other barriers to living with chronic pain. It’s estimated one in five Australians live with chronic pain, that is, pain lasting for more than three months; or in many cases, beyond normal healing time.

Access the article from Chronic Pain Australia here:


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